Chemical Analysis

<p>Chemical Analysis</p>

Selective Ion Electrode ISE

Determination of Chlorine and Fluorine ions present in graphite extractable with aqueous solutions (ASTM F 1277-C876), determination of the total sulfur content in graphite (internal method: high-temperature treatment in an oxidizing environment, followed by titration with Pb2+ ions).

Portable EDXRF Tester

PMI (Positive Material Identification): Evaluation of the chemical composition for quality control of incoming and outgoing alloys and metals.

Thermal Analysis

<h4><strong>Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC<br /></strong>(Differential Scanning Calorimetry)<strong><br /></strong></h4>
<li>Identification of polymeric matrices;</li>
<li>Heat of fusion;</li>
<li>Melting temperature.</li>
<h4><strong>Thermogravimetric Analysis TGA<br />(Thermogravimetric Analysis)</strong></h4>
<li>Determination of composition;</li>
<li>Evaluation of thermal degradation;</li>
<li>Evaluation of thermal history;</li>
<li>Evaluation of thermal stability in different chemical environments.</li>

Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC
(Differential Scanning Calorimetry)

  • Identification of polymeric matrices;
  • Heat of fusion;
  • Crystallinity;
  • Melting temperature.

Thermogravimetric Analysis TGA
(Thermogravimetric Analysis)

  • Determination of composition;
  • Evaluation of thermal degradation;
  • Evaluation of thermal history;
  • Evaluation of thermal stability in different chemical environments.