XGD 15

Products Thermal insulation materials External insulating materials

XGD 15

Product Specifications

XGD 15 is a thermosetting plastic material with an air chamber structure on one side.

Material Specifications:

  • Continuous resistance to high temperatures
  • Excellent insulating properties
  • Good mechanical strength

Fields of Application

XGD 15 has been specifically designed as an external insulator for molds. The structured air chamber side must be in contact with the hot side. The additional air passage reduces energy losses caused by convection and radiation.

Other benefits include reduced heating times and increased operator safety.

XGD 15 also has good structural integrity, allowing it to withstand mold assembly operations.

Supply Details

  • Standard Thickness: 6; 10 mm
  • Dimensional Tolerance: +/- 1 mm

The values in this technical data sheet are standard values and are not part of any contract. Specifications may change depending on modifications in the operating environment.