Sichem EL60

Products Gasketing sheets and Gaskets Expanded PTFE Jointing Sheet

Sichem EL60

Expanded PTFE Jointing Sheet

Sichem EL60 is a multidirectional ePTFE gasketing sheets made from 100% pure multidirectional ePTFE. The versatility of Sichem E enables them to cover a wide range of flange shapes making them ideal for various industrial applications. With their excellent chemical resistance and high blow-out safety Sichem EL60 gasketing sheets can be used in aggressive applications where other gaskets may fail. Sichem EL60 sheets are available in various thicknesses and can be customized to fit specific flange dimensions. Additionally Sichem E shows extreme adaptability to flange roughness and irregularities and high gasket stress retention.


Properties Sichem EL60 – 3 mm Thickness
Qmin (40 bar He; 0,01 mg/(s*m)) 37 MPa
QSmin (QA=30 MPa; 40 bar He; L=0,01) < 10 MPa
QSmax (23°C) 160 MPa
Leakage Rate (Q =40 MPa; 40 bar He) <10⁻⁴ mg/(s*m)
PQR @ 20 °C (QA=30 MPa) 0.94
Compressibility 50 - 55 %
Compressed Thickness 1.40 mm
Recovery > 10
Recovered Thickness 1.60 mm